Auntie M's Homemade Dog Food Recipe

Auntie M's Homemade Dog Food Recipe

I have always given my recipe out for free because basic nutrition is a DOG GIVEN RIGHT FOR ALL! I am a firm believer that a gently cooked food, made with love, right at home, is the key to longevity. So here I give to you, my tried and true, lab & trial tested, holy grail of a recipe that is as easy as it is delicious! (so I’m told) You can also substitute the vegetables in this recipe using my Veggie Blend to make it even easier!

Can your Veterinarian give you Diet Advice?

Can your Veterinarian give you Diet Advice?

While it’s important to seek your veterinarian’s advice about a lot of things, diet may not be one of them… Why you ask? Well, let’s talk about it!🩺🐶🍽️ While it’s important to seek your veterinarian’s advice about a lot of things, diet may not be one of them… Why you ask? Well, let’s talk about it!🩺🐶🍽️

All New Cake Classes - For Download!

All New Cake Classes - For Download!

Baking with healthier ingredients can be more challenging, and it requires specific techniques to get the best results. That's where my classes come in. I'll guide you on how to master these ingredients, ensuring your dog treats and cakes are not only delicious but also nutritious. If you love baking for your furry friends or are thinking about starting a business selling dog treats, it's crucial to opt for healthier ingredients. Almost every "dog cake" on the market is filled with poison, that's right, sugar is poison! Sugar feeds cancer cells and is something that dogs should have absolutely zero of! Dogs have less than 1/5 the taste buds that humans do, so don't worry - they don't know they're missing out! Not to mention that sugar becomes addictive and activates the same center of the brain as cocaine. Yeah, that's a no from me...

TCM Food Properties: Your Complete List!

TCM Food Properties: Your Complete List!

Based on the quiz results, you can use this list to choose foods that suit your dog's constitution. Whether your dog is hot, cold, or neutral, here are food options categorized by their TCM properties. These can be incorporated into homemade recipes to balance your dog's diet. Based on the quiz results, you can use this list to choose foods that suit your dog's constitution. Whether your dog is hot, cold, or neutral, here are food options categorized by their TCM properties. These can be incorporated into homemade recipes to balance your dog's diet.

Homemade Dog Food FAQs

Homemade Dog Food FAQs

Common questions I get asked often on home cooking! ”But I’m a vegetarian and I don’t know if I can cook meat for my dog!” Look, I’m in this with you. I stopped eating meat about two years before I started cooking for my dogs (the irony!). The thing chose to share your life with a carnivore, and they do NEED MEAT. Now, if you feel very strongly, you CAN use the modified vegan recipe, but I implore you to keep the eggs at least! I know the meat industry is terrible, I am equally as disturbed by it and your feelings are 100% valid, I don't want any of the animals to die or suffer ever...but our Furkids need/love/want meat. So if there’s a way you can reconcile with it, I hope you consider it!

Home Cooking for Dogs 101

Home Cooking for Dogs 101

Cooking for your dog is one of the absolute best things you can do for them. Eating whole, fresh, food is going to give them the best possible health for years to come. Cooking for your dog is one of the absolute best things you can do for them. Eating whole, fresh, food is going to give them the best possible health for years to come. While every dog can benefit from a parent willing to cook, it is especially great for:

The Reason I Don't Do Raw Feeding

The Reason I Don't Do Raw Feeding

As much as I appreciate the argument that dogs are indeed descendants of wolves (and agree), raw meat sold for human consumption is never going to simulate an animal that was just killed and is still pulsating with blood in the wild. It's a well known fact that dogs are extremely domesticated (50% of them would not know how to survive in the wild!), so feeding them like their ancestors, is relatively outdated thinking.

Auntie M’s PB Pumpkin Cake & Cookie Recipe

Auntie M’s PB Pumpkin Cake & Cookie Recipe

Want to bake your own cake from scratch! Try my go to simple and balanced recipe. The most important part of a cookie or cake recipe is making sure that they are balanced, especially with fiber, to ensure they never upset tummies! These are two of my go-to recipes filled with health-forward ingredients, that will be easy to digest and make, so you can spoil with peace of mind. Happy Baking! (If you are looking for something easier - check out my mixes!) For super picky eaters, check out my Meat Cake Dough in my shop!

Ingredients to AVOID

Ingredients to AVOID

Just say NO to these Ingredients when shopping! Browsing the isles or Instagram and contemplating a purchase? Favorite this article to reference those unhealthy ingredients that are a hard NO!

Choosing the Best for Your Pup: Dog Food Ingredients to Avoid

Choosing the Best for Your Pup: Dog Food Ingredients to Avoid

As a devoted dog parent, you want the best for your furry friend, and that starts with their diet. The dog food market is flooded with options, but not all ingredients are created equal. To ensure your pup gets the nutrition they need, it's crucial to be aware of certain ingredients that may be harmful or provide little nutritional value. Here's a guide to help you make informed decisions when selecting your dog's food:

Why Switch to Holistic Food and Treats?

Why Switch to Holistic Food and Treats?

Just like with people, everything you feed your dog has an impact on their overall wellness. If you eat junk food, you tend to feel yucky afterwards, or perhaps it causes an upset stomach. Some of us are so used to eating trash food, that we don't even notice we are UNWELL until we eat healthy and feel SO much better!