What is Dog Divas?
Dog Divas is an app for all dog parents! Dog Divas is an app for all dog parents who love to be a little extra! From making easy to execute, health first recipes that fit into a busy lifestyle, to educational content, I cover all the bases of the dog parenting life. Because, after all, being a dog parent is a lifestyle!
New to Dog Divas? Start Here!
Firstly, welcome! I know navigating a new app can be overwhelming, so I'm going to give you the breakdown of why this app should be your go-to for all of your dog parenting needs! Check out the perks of becoming an Ultimate Dog Diva!
Subscriber Only Monthly Discount! 10% OFF + FREE SHIP!
The Only Dog App You'll Ever Need! (and can't live without!)
Monthly discounts, doggoscope readings, recipes and more! Contemplating the perks of becoming an Ultimate Dog Diva Subscriber? Let's discuss why you most obvs should be!
Playlists Designed Just for You & Your Dog!
What's Your Dog's Celebrity Sign?
Everyone LOVES an astrology reading, and for those of us who love our pups, wouldn't it be cool for them to get one too?! While we don't have a crystal ball to determine their birth chart, we've done something better!

Videos: Dog Diva Dishes

Easter treat WARNINGS part two! 🐰🚫🐶
Auntie M
Easter treat WARNINGS part one! 🐰🚫🐶
Auntie M
Let's Make Puppuccinos!
Auntie M

Pawcast: Dog Diva Dishes

What’s your dog person rating? The dog owner pyramid.
Auntie M

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